For the first year or so as a business owner, I didn't have a Client Welcome Packet. In fact, I didn't even know what one was. And to be honest - my entire client on-boarding process was messy. When I received a new client, I didn't officially "sign them on," so if they wanted to just end our contract, they could do so. I never provided them with something to sign to say otherwise. This definitely happened once or twice.
I also never outlined anything clearly to the client or provided a timeline, the materials I'd need from them as the project went on, etc. Like I said - messy. I look back now and wonder how I made it work at all! But hey, that's what happens as a small business owner - you live and you learn.
I created my first Client Welcome Packet well before I started creating templates (and well before Tiny Pine Creative was even born!). I needed a way to look super professional to my clients from the very start, protect myself by having them sign a contract, and outline exactly how their project would go, so we both knew what to expect.
I can't even tell you how many versions off a Client Welcome Packet I have created. My first one was super basic, and I've had a few VERY complex ones thrown in there that were honestly too much for both my client and myself. It took me about a year to come up with the perfect Client Welcome Packet - I literally get feedback from almost every client telling me how beautiful and helpful the packet is. Many even ask if they can purchase it! Which they can (as can you!) - right here.
I have made the exact Client Welcome packet I use into a template that anyone can purchase and use for their business - after many, many versions and practice rounds - I feel 100% confident that this is the perfect one. And now, I want to share it page by page with you, so you can provide your clients with an awesome experience every time.
Don't feel like reading? No worries. You can purchase the client welcome packet right here.
Section 1: Cover, table of contents & welcome page
the cover: It's important to always include a cover - it looks professional, makes things pretty, and is a great way to use just one sentence to explain exactly what's in the packet. It's also a good place to put your URL or business name too.
table of contents: I've also found it super help to include a table of contents - it helps your client easily be able to refer back to things and find what they're look for right away.
welcome page: Don't skimp out on a welcome page - here is where you can put your clients name or business name to show that this packet is strictly for them. It's also the place you'll want to outline exactly what this packet is going to review, so your client knows what's coming. This page isn't where you outline the process for the actual work you'll be doing for the client (that's coming next!), but instead you're showing them what's to come in the packet.
Section 2: Section divider, about me, meet the team, our mission & values, & our process.
section dividers: I include section dividers in my templates - this isn't something you have to do, but I like things to be as organized as possible, and this really helps. It also looks pretty!
about me: It's important that your client know who they're working with. I don't know about you, but when I hire someone, it's a must for me to put a face to their name. Include a few photos of you and anything interesting you want to share!
meet the team: If you're a one-woman show, you can omit this page. But if you have a team, introduce them! Chances are they'll be working with your client too.
our mission & values: This doesn't have to be anything fancy, but it's a good idea to include the mission of your business, along with your values. Your client will enjoy reading and will likely make sure they align with your business before getting started.
process page: This is where you'll outline your process for the actual project you'll be working on. I have my packet broken into 5 steps, because I have a 5-step process, but you can easily adjust this to your typical process. I like to have this broken out in steps, because it helps the client easily decipher the information and makes it easy to follow along when the project is in the works.
Section 3: Section divider, project strategy, expectations, timeline & milestones, & the project proposal.
project strategy: It's important to share the overall strategy with your client. This can be individualized to each client or a general process. Up to you!
what can you expect?: This is different than the client expectations page below - where that goes into what the client should have prepared for you, this is more of what the client can expect throughout the timeline of their project. You don't need to get specific with dates on this page - just an overview is helpful!
timeline & milestones pages: This page is, in my opinion, the most important page in your packet. This is where you are giving the client the specific tasks that will be accomplished, as well as the date you will have them done. I've had many of my clients tell me that they print this page out and hang it in their office to help them stay on track. In fact, I do the same thing for each of my projects. It helps me visually organize what needs to be done and by when.
project proposal: Even if you've already given your client a project proposal or service and pricing guide before they agreed to work with you, I would still include a project proposal - just to reiterate things and have all information needed for their specific project in one place. This page breaks down the project into installments that include what work will be done, what work will be finished, the price due and when.
Section 4: Section divider, client expectations, what you'll receive & FAQ
client expectations page: This page is super important as well - I don't know about you, but I've had one too many clients drop off the face of the earth during their project, leaving it very difficult for me to get things done. This page is where I let the client know that their project will only work their commitment as well as mine. Of course, I do not expect them to be available 24-7, but during the time of their project, an email back within a day or two is crucial. I also list everything else I need from the client, besides their time, on this page - signed contract, deposit, website copy, logo, etc.
final results page: The "what you'll receive" page is basically just a breakdown of the exact items the client will have received by the end of their project. For example, in my business this means - a moodboard, website built on the Wix platform, 2 rounds of changes, and a training call to use Wix. I dig deeper into each of this items on this page.
FAQ: Definitely always include a FAQ page! You'll find that most clients have the same questions!
Section 5: Section divider, next steps, the contract & back cover
next steps page: This page is where I tell the client what has to happen next in order for the project to begin. I usually book projects at least 1-2 months in advance, so for a client to secure their spot, they must pay their deposit and sign the contract. I'll then let them know the dates to have their inspiration to me by, as well as the client survey I send them once their date is secure.
the contract: Next, it's time for the actual contract. I always send my packets with this page already signed by me, so all the client has to do is sign the page, send it back, and pay their deposit to secure their spot. If you have another contract, you can omit this page, but including this in my welcome packet has always worked well for me,
the back cover: And finally, the back cover. I always include this because I think it keeps things looking super professional and it's the perfect page to thank the client and show them just how excited you are to work with them.
And there you have it! That's exactly what to include in the perfect Client Welcome Packet. As I stated before, I've gone through many versions of this packet and truly find this one to work best - my clients love it, and that's all that really matters!
If you want to purchase this EXACT Client Welcome Packet, you can do so RIGHT HERE!
Have a question? Leave it in the comments below or feel free to contact me at anytime! You can also email me directly at Thanks for reading!